Monday, September 6, 2010


God, so much has happened.

For starters. I officially told the ex that I had no intentions of getting back together with him. *Brace for fireworks.* He yelled and yelled and said horrible things and I told my dad about it and he said that if he didn't stop he was gonna talk to him. I got a little scared. He wants a bunch of his stuff back and I'm afraid if he sees me he's gonna hit me or something. Idk what to do. Maybe I'll just have dad there when he comes back around. I'm scared.

In other words, work is going ok. I get along with all the girls who work there very well, but the one loser fat guy is such an ass. I've never actually worked with him but I've been in there while he's working and he's such a prick. He tried to blame me for the coffee not tasting right when he was talking to a customer. Not even kidding. I dread working with him.

Enough with the depressing news though. I've got some good news. Since I've been single (almost three weeks now) I've had 2 guys ask me out, one admit he had the hots for me, and another who is coming to see me at work tomorrow and I hung out with last night.
The first two guys who asked me out I've written off. They're not my type, and I'm just gonna stay friends with them. The one who admitted he liked me I've known for like a year now. He's away at college though x[ I didn't hang out with him while he was around cuz I had a boyfriend. And go figure now that I don't he's away.

But. The last one is the one I'm gonna focus on here. The most hilarious part is that he's one of my older brother's best friends. AHAHAHA. I stopped at my brother's work yesterday and told him that the other night his friend had been flirtexting me, and was planning to come see me at work and buy me something as a late graduation present. My brother thought it was hilarious lol. I'm glad he didn't get mad but I wouldn't care if he did. But anyway. Last night, he was over (can we call him M?) and my brother and my best friend both told me he was checking me out the whole time every time I wasn't looking (especially my ass, in the new jeans I just bought, size ZERO). You know what one of the best parts is? HE'S FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Ok. He's not MAJORLY tall but he's tall enough (me being barely over five feet definitely helps out the guys who are into me). He had toned arms/shoulders/chest/back, and like just a killer body. His face is clear and olive toned, and he has a nice smile and eyes. Ahhhh. Eye candy.

So things are evening out a bit I guess. There's lots of bad, but a little good to keep me from going insane. I'm a little sick tho ;( and I can barely breathe. I had to use a nebulizer and now I have the shakes like you wouldn't believe, but my appetite is gone. Yay me.

Weighing in tomorrow I think. I haven't had a chance to because I've been so busy. But soon, hopefully I lost.

down to 106 xD

1 comment:

embre said...

haha wow we are walking a similar path right now on the guy front. the guy im into is my brothers best friend as well...well they were best friends till my brother got married to a crazy woman lol.
sucks about the ex boyfriend situation, maybe invest in a can of pepperspray? or at least a little minature can of hair spray or something that you can spray in his eyes if he gets handsy.
stay strong and safe