Friday, September 10, 2010


That is the number of pounds I currently weigh as of this morning. Not 105 point anything. Just a flat 105. I feel good :) Five more pounds and I'll be 100. Five more and I'll be at 95 <3
It also helps that I'm either working or going to school or doing homework the majority of the week. It leaves no time for eating. And at work I pretty much just drink tea. Black tea, thank god. I'm not a coffee person, and these 5am mornings would be impossible without tea. It doesn't help that I can't fall asleep til at least midnight and I'm so stressed all the time that I'm constantly waking up. But today I got to sleep in for the first time in a while. It was amazing. I got like 10 hrs of sleep. That's the most I've gotten in like a month.

Today is my day off. No work, no school, only a bit of homework that I could put off or just not do if I don't feel like it. I want to see M today but I have band practice from 2 30 to 4 30 and after that I don't know if he'd want to or if he's working...we'll see. He wants to hang out and play Halo lol. He was shocked when I told him I'd played just about every major video game: Halo, WoW, Medal of Honor, Final Fantasy, Madden...I grew up with 3 brothers. What can I say.


embre said...

congrats on hitting 105! youll be in the double didgits in no time.
stay strong

Anonymous said...

I'm so jelous!! I would kill to be 105! Gosh 115 is obese isn't it. Arggg....But congrats love!! YOu're doing so well!!<3